Ontario PC Transportation Critic calls on Premier to end H.O.T tax cover-up

Queen’s Park – Kitchener Conestoga MPP Michael Harris says if the Transportation Minister can’t take the heat from the latest Wynne-Liberal road-toll tax-grab, he should get out of the H.O.T. lane.

“Despite your Minister’s recent attempts to cover up the HOT toll truth, there is no secret, we all see your latest tax grab for what it is…” Harris noted to Wynne in his first question of the Fall legislative session. “The only reason you are hiding the details of your H.O.T. tax plan now is so you won’t burn your federal BFF Justin Trudeau.”

Harris says after a summer that saw the Transportation Minister earn the gold for highway gridlock and wasteful spending on 235 kms of HOV lanes, peel- and-stick, fly-away lane markings and electronic messages to stay home, Ontarians deserve the truth.

“And now we wait for the Premier’s HOV legacy to drop its other shoe on us as the Wynne Liberals magically transform HOV’s into HOT, High Occupancy Tax machines,” Harris charged. “It’s time to quit the stalling and tell Ontario motorists when they will be forced to pay a second time for roads they’ve already funded.”

While the Minister received an ovation from his caucus colleagues for the latest H.O.T Wynne Liberal tax grab he continued to delay any details until sometime in the, “near future”. Harris says he will continue to push for the truth‎ on the Wynne H.O.T. lane tax scheme.

Watch Michael’s question in the house: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxbZ_rdSDLo