Today the Ontario PC Party Executive and the Leadership Election Organization Committee (LEOC) released details of the Party’s membership verification process for the upcoming leadership race.
The LEOC will also host two official leadership debates. The first date has been organized for February 15th. It will be broadcast on TVO at 8pm. PC members will have unprecedented access to the leadership debate as it will also be broadcast through social networks including Facebook, Youtube and Twitter. Additional details will be released shortly.
An online, two-stage verification process will ensure all eligible members can select the next leader of the Ontario PC Party in a secure, open and transparent manner. PC members will receive a unique verification number in the mail, where they will be directed to verify their membership information on record, including by secure uploading of identification documents.
A support hotline will be available during this period for those requiring assistance.
Independent third-parties will be responsible for processing votes, and securely maintaining personal information.
Statement from Ontario PC Leader Vic Fedeli:
“Our membership verification process is consistent with our commitment to ensure an open, democratic, and secure process as we select our next leader. As Interim Leader of the Ontario PC Party I will continue to ensure our Party is in a strong position for the incoming leader. I look forward to continuing towards our shared goal of defeating Kathleen Wynne and the Liberals and bringing the change Ontario families need.”
Statement from Ontario PC Party President Jag Badwal and Chair of the Leadership Election Organization Committee Hartley Lefton:
“This election will be the most inclusive and open in the history of the Ontario PC Party. Party members from every region of Ontario will be able to elect our next leader and the future Premier of Ontario.
“Our secure, online, two-stage verification process is a major step forward in selecting a new leader to unite the Ontario PCs and prepare for the 2018 election. Just like you show ID to vote in person, you will show ID to vote online. This process will allow for greater engagement of our members in voting and selecting our new leader.”
Key Dates:
- February 15th – Leadership Debate
- February 16th – Membership cut-off
- February 20th (approximately) – Unique verification number mailed to Ontario PC members
- March 2nd – March 8th – Voting period
- March 10th – Leadership Convention