Ontario PCs Call for an End to Secret Hydro Deal-making

Wynne Liberals continue to negotiate secret energy deals with Quebec for power Ontario doesn’t need

Today, in the lead-up to Premier Kathleen Wynne’s meeting with Quebec’s Premier, the Ontario PCs called for an end to the Wynne Liberals’ track record of secret backroom energy deal-making. Ontario PC Energy Critic Todd Smith called for a legislative debate and vote on whatever the Wynne Liberals are now secretly cooking up with Quebec.

“This Friday, Kathleen Wynne may get caught red-handed negotiating a secret deal with Quebec for a huge amount of expensive power Ontario doesn’t need. This can’t happen. Ontario cannot afford it,” said Smith. “It’s these sort of backroom, secret, sole-sourced deals that have driven Ontario into a hydro crisis. It’s time to take these backroom deals out of the Premier’s Office and onto the floors of the Legislature, where members have to be transparent and accountable to their constituents.”

Smith called on the Liberals to divulge the details of any new contract negotiations with Quebec, including the price and quantity of power, and potential job losses in Ontario. Later today, the Legislature will be debating an Ontario PC opposition day motion that would require any future energy deals with Quebec be debated and voted on in the House.

“Ontario doesn’t need any more power, and it’s no secret that the Wynne Liberals are responsible for our skyrocketing hydro bills,” added Smith. “The Ontario PCs have made it clear that if elected, we will place an immediate moratorium on the signing of any new energy contracts.”

“Whether it was the Samsung bad energy contract, the cancellation of the gas plants, or the fire sale of Hydro One – the Wynne Liberals are secretive in everything they’ve done, and they will never change their ways,” concluded Smith. “Life is harder with the Liberals. Families are working harder, paying more, and getting less. It’s time to give the people of Ontario a voice in the decision-making process.”