Statement from Interim Ontario PC Leader Vic Fedeli on the return of the Legislature:
“The Ontario PCs remain focused on holding the Wynne Liberals to account, and building a Party that is ready to deliver much-needed relief to Ontario families.
“For 15 years, Kathleen Wynne and the Liberals have proven themselves willing to do and say anything to cling to power. And, while they continue to utter platitudes about ‘fairness,’ this government is anything but fair.
“Under the Wynne Liberals’ watch, hydro rates, taxes, and fees have skyrocketed. Their economic policies continue to hurt families, with 51,000 jobs lost in January alone. Youth struggling with mental illness are tragically ignored, and billions have been squandered on this government’s political self-interest. While families, seniors, and youth are being left behind, Liberal insiders have gotten rich at their expense.
“Simply put, Kathleen Wynne and the Liberals can’t be trusted. Anything they promise in the coming months will be nothing more than a costly re-election ploy they have no intention of keeping.
“We are committed to ensuring our Party is in the best position for our future Leader. While the last few weeks have been challenging, our Party has never been stronger. Our grassroots are responding to our positive message of change with their time, their support, and their money.
“The Ontario PCs look forward to rallying united behind our future Leader in March, and bringing the change Ontario families deserve.”