Ontario PCs Make Important Request for 2017 Budget

QUEEN’S PARK – Today, Leader of the Official Opposition Patrick Brown wrote to the Minister of Finance with a list of requests the Ontario PC Caucus would like to see included in the upcoming budget.

“The Ontario PCs look forward to working closely with the Liberal government to ensure the upcoming budget is in the best interest of all Ontarians, from every corner and community of our province. We are making five important requests,” said Brown.

“Ontario’s debt burden is increasingly hindering our future generations, which crowds out front-line services.Our province is home to the largest debt of any province or state in Canada and the United States. We need to address this.”

“Ontario has among the highest energy prices in North America.The Liberals, who have yet to address the system’s structural problems, are paving the way for hydro rates to spike again.This needs to be addressed.”

“At the same time, we are seeing a housing unaffordability crisis, the Wynne Liberals using cap-and-trade to take $2 billion away from taxpayers for their own slush fund, and school closures across the province. Let’s work together to solve these pressing issues for Ontarians.”

The Ontario PCs’ requests in the budget include:

  • A long-term plan to get Ontario’s debt under control
  • Immediate steps to address the root of Ontario’s hydro crisis. These measures include: stop signing contracts for power we don’t need, dismantle the Green Energy Act, stop the fire sale of Hydro One, and rein in exorbitant executive compensation in the energy sector
  • Solutions to addressing Ontario’s housing crisis, including evidence-based measures to address both supply and demand, the establishment of a panel of industry experts, and an immediate review of the government portfolio
  • Immediately making cap-and-trade revenue neutral, where any money generated is returned to hard-working Ontarians
  • An immediate moratorium on school closures, and an immediate review of the flawed Pupil Accommodation Review Guideline that determines these closures

Brown is also concerned the Wynne Liberals’ plan to table an “artificial budget balance” will only be reached through higher taxes and deeper cuts to health care and education. He referenced previous comments made by both the Auditor General and the Financial Accountability Officer.

“The Ontario PCs want Ontario families who work hard to pay less and get ahead. We expect your Liberal government to include these recommendations in the upcoming budget,” concluded Brown. “A province tired of failed Liberal policies demands it.”