Ontario PCs Ready for September 1st Scarborough-Rouge River By-Election

Statement from Ontario PC Leader Patrick Brown on the Scarborough-Rouge River By-Election:

“This morning the writ was issued for the provincial by-election in Scarborough-Rouge River. Alongside Councillor Raymond Cho, I am excited for the opportunity to share with the people of Scarborough our vision for a better Ontario.

We have been hard at work pounding the pavement and listening to the concerns of Scarborough residents. We’ve heard worries about skyrocketing hydro rates, local cuts to health care services, and transit needs that have been ignored.  For the people of Scarborough, life is harder under the Liberals.”

Statement from Ontario PC Candidate Raymond Cho on the Scarborough-Rouge River By-Election:

“Scarborough has been represented by Liberal MPPs for years, yet this riding has been forgotten by the Liberal government. On September 1st, the people of Scarborough-Rouge River have the opportunity to send Premier Wynne a strong message that enough is enough. That they are tired of broken and empty promises when it comes to subways, health care and affordable hydro.

Having had the privilege of representing Scarborough residents for 25 years on city council, I understand the challenges and opportunities that face our community. I will work hard for the chance to represent my constituents’ best interests at Queen’s Park, and hold the Wynne Liberals accountable.”