Ontario Sheds 11,200 Full-Time Jobs

Statement from Lambton—Kent—Middlesex MPP Monte McNaughton on June’s Job Numbers:

“The June job numbers released by Statistics Canada this morning show several key areas to be in significant decline including full-time employment, youth employment, manufacturing employment and overall jobs. This is tough news for those who are looking for work right now all across Ontario.”

“There is no doubt that under Kathleen Wynne, Ontario is not only a have-not province but is systemically uncompetitive with our neighbours and competitors especially when you consider the ever rising cost of energy across the province.”

“After dropping 11,200 full-time jobs in June you can see why Ontario’s economic growth is expected to fall from 2.7% to 2.3% this year all the way down to 1.7% in 2020. Likewise, provincial employment growth is set to fall to 0.9% in 2020, and job creation will fall from 94,000 in 2017 to 66,000 in 2020.”

“When you dig a little deeper into the June numbers you see that not only did Ontario lose 11,200 full-time jobs in June but that Ontario also lost 9100 youth jobs and 2200 vital manufacturing jobs. All troubling signs when the government is already predicting and calling for significant declines.”

“In fact, a recent report from The Fraser Institute cited, “Ontario’s high electricity prices, increases in regulation, high personal tax rate and hikes in the minimum wage have all conspired to depress Ontario’s manufacturing sector, which shriveled from 21 per cent of the Ontario economy in 2002 to 12 per cent in 2015.” The report also stated that, “Ontario is the only province where manufacturing investment has failed to recover.”

“This government has a well-documented track record of grand promises and failed policies that are making life harder for Ontario families. The Wynne government’s own budget says that we are at the peak of our employment and that going forward it’s all downhill. It’s clear that life is harder under the Liberals as residents and families are working harder, paying more and getting less.”