Ontario’s Electricity is Both Unaffordable and Unreliable

QUEEN’S PARK – Recently the Wynne Liberals have attempted to spin Ontario’s skyrocketing electricity prices by touting the reliability of the province’s electricity grid. Today during Question Period, Leader of the Official Opposition Patrick Brown questioned exactly how reliable Ontario’s electricity grid really is.


“In 2015, Ontario had 135 power outages of some kind. That’s as many as BC, Manitoba, Nova Scotia, and Alberta combined!” said Brown.

In total Ontario’s power outages equaled 16,620 minutes, or 11 and a half days. During the same period, Quebec had only six and a half hours’ worth of power outages.

In 2015, Ontario had 32 power outages that were a result of either fault equipment or human error. Quebec had three.

“Clearly, the people can’t count on Ontario’s electricity system. And they certainly can’t count on the Premier to do anything to make hydro bills more affordable, and power more reliable,” Brown stated.

“Our system is both unaffordable and unreliable. Why does the Minister of Energy continue to ignore the real problems?”

VIDEO LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wM79u2QBJjg