Overcrowding at Brampton Hospital Unacceptable: Ontario PCs

In the wake of scathing media reports showing 4,352 patients have been admitted to the hallways at Brampton Civic Hospital, the Ontario PCs stood up for Peel Region patients by raising the issue during Question Period.

“This government’s mismanagement of the Ontario healthcare system has resulted in a hospital overcrowding crisis,” said Ontario PC Health Critic Jeff Yurek who highlighted the Liberals’ 14 year record of mismanagement and cuts.

“This government is responsible for Ontario’s hospitals suffering through four years of budget freezes. This government has continued to cut funding, pushing our hospitals to a breaking point.”

“Patients at the Brampton Civic Hospital must deal with excessive noise and a lack of privacy, which reduces their quality of care and increases recovery times.”

Yurek asked the Wynne Liberal Minister of Health to take action to deal with this issue immediately.

“With flu season around though corner, we are going to start seeing more stories like Brampton Civic,” he added. “What work is being done to address the alternative level of care issue in order to end hallway medicine?”