Patrice Barnes Nominated as Ontario PC Candidate in Ajax

AJAX – The Ontario PC Party is pleased to announce that Patrice Barnes has been nominated as our candidate in Ajax for the 2022 provincial election.

For nearly a decade, Patrice has proudly represented students and parents in Ajax while serving as a Trustee on the Durham District School Board (DDSB) and as a Director on the Ontario Public School Board Association (OPSBA). Throughout her work, Patrice has focused on improving learning outcomes for marginalized students and families.

Patrice is a participant in the DDSB Youth Poverty Strategy and was part of the team integral in creating multiple programs for black youth across Durham, such as the Cypher Program, Empower Her Conference, and the Getting Ready for Kindergarten program. Patrice also served on the advisory group that authored the Ontario Black Youth Action Plan and was a member of the Ontario Education Partnership Roundtable.

“As a proud mom, advocate, community leader, and Public School Board Trustee, Ajax residents will have a strong representative at Queen’s Park if I am elected as MPP,” said Patrice Barnes. “I am committed to building Ontario and making life more affordable for hardworking families in Ajax.”

At the federal level, Patrice is active on the Canadian School Board Association Anti-Racism working group that addresses systemic barriers around education and advocates for the interests and needs of racialized groups.

In addition, Patrice is a champion of community safety and proudly serves the community as a member of the Durham Regional Police Services Board.

“We are pleased to welcome Patrice Barnes as our PC candidate for Ajax ahead of the next provincial election,” said Brian Patterson, President of the Ontario PC Party. “Patrice will be a strong voice at Queen’s Park as your next MPP.”
