During the Ontario PC caucus retreat in Timmins, Ontario PC Leader Patrick Brown announced important steps to improve the lives of families and workers in Northern Ontario on matters that have been ignored by the Wynne Liberals.
“Let’s face it: Northern Ontario has been ignored by the Wynne Liberals for far too long. They have left hardworking Northern Ontario families paying more and getting less,” said Brown. “This was a key theme discussed by our Ontario PC Party. The North matters.”
On the Ring of Fire road, Brown is calling for regular updates on the road development to Ontario’s largest infrastructure project – the Ring of Fire.
“The Ring of Fire road project should have been underway 10 years ago. Now, in the lead-up to an election, the Wynne Liberals decide to show up?” asked Brown. “Northern Ontario deserves regular update reports on getting shovels in the ground on this road. Regular doesn’t mean every few years. I am calling for the government to provide public updates every quarter, starting this Fall.”
The Ring of Fire was first discovered in 2007, and since that time the Liberals have failed to develop the unprecedented economic opportunity. The Wynne Liberals first promised $1 billion for infrastructure in the Ring of Fire in the 2014 budget, repeating the promise in both 2015 and 2016. However, in this year’s budget, the Wynne Liberals removed any reference to the Ring of Fire whatsoever.
Brown also raised the issue of a lack of an awareness campaign for one of the worst public health crises in Ontario currently – opioid and fentanyl overdoses. This issue is having a serious impact on Northern Ontario communities.
“Our Ontario PC caucus will table legislation which requires the Liberal government to invest at least 10% of their government advertising budget this fiscal year to an opioid and fentanyl awareness campaign. It’s time they make this a priority,” said Brown.
The Ontario Liberals currently spend $57 million on government advertising, and have faced repeated criticism from voices including Ontario’s Auditor General for wasting this public funding on partisan, self-congratulatory advertising.
“The next election is going to be about who will make it easier for families to make ends meet and get ahead. Only the Ontario PC Party will make Northern Ontario a priority.”
- PC Leader Brown has held every annual caucus retreat in Northern Ontario
- The retreat marks his 27th visit to the region since being elected leader
- The Liberal Caucus held their retreat in their downtown Toronto offices at Queen’s Park