Paul Paolatto Acclaimed As Ontario PC Candidate For London West

The Ontario PC Party is pleased to announce that Paul Paolatto has been acclaimed as our candidate for the riding of London West for the next provincial election. 

“As a long-time resident of London, I understand firsthand the issues that matter to the region and its residents, including supporting small businesses and fostering long-term economic growth,” said Paolatto. “It would be an honour to represent the people of this great riding that I’ve called home for 21 years with a seat at the government table when crucial decisions are made about our future.”

Paolatto is the Chief Operating Officer at Western University’s Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, where he oversees a significant enterprise that supports over 7,000 health care faculty, researchers, staff, and students.

“I know Paul has what it takes to be a great local representative and will ensure the community’s needs are a top priority,” said Brian Patterson, President of the Ontario PC Party. “I’m excited to have him on our Ontario PC team.”

Paolatto is quite active in his community, having served on the Boards of the London Police Service, the London Economic Development Corporation, Techalliance, London Small Business Centre, Children’s Health Foundation, Thames Valley Children Centre and the London Junior Knights Rep Hockey Association. Additionally, he obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Economics at the University of Toronto and a Master’s degree in Business Administration at the University of Windsor.