PC Leader Brown stands up for Sault Ste. Marie long term care home at Queen’s Park

QUEEN’S PARK – After visiting Sault Ste. Marie as a part of his second annual Northern Ontario driving tour last week, Ontario PC Leader Patrick Brown brought the story of F.J. Davey Home, a local long term care home, to the floors of the Legislature. 


“I want the Liberals to be aware of F.J. Davey Home in Sault Ste. Marie. Their hydro bill has gone up 39 per cent over one year – that’s an additional $165,000 on their bill,” said Brown during Question Period. “Supporting long term care homes has long been on the back burner for this government, and Liberal energy policies are putting the quantity of services at risk.” 

Across the province, long term care homes have been sharing stories about how the rising cost of hydro has been crowding out services. F.J. Davey Home is home to 374 long term care beds.

“How many long term care beds has Ontario lost to make up for the cost of rising hydro rates?” Brown concluded by asking the Premier.