OTTAWA – Today at the Association of Municipalities of Ontario’s annual conference, Leader of the Official Opposition Patrick Brown announced that an Ontario PC government would reform Ontario’s joint and several liability system that is gouging taxpayers.
Under Ontario’s joint and liability system municipalities can be on the hook for massive damage settlements far beyond their legal responsibility. This has resulted in spiraling municipal insurance premiums, which often forces municipalities to raise taxes or cut services. In cases across Ontario, municipalities have also restricted recreational activities, such as tobogganing on public property, to avoid liability exposure.
“Under the Wynne Liberals municipalities and taxpayers are paying more and getting less,” said Brown. “Taxpayers shouldn’t have to foot the bill for spiraling premiums. The Ontario PCs will ensure that municipalities and taxpayers are protected from unfair and unaffordable settlements.”
The Liberals first promised reforms in 2011, and even supported a motion to reform the joint and several liability model from PC MPP Randy Pettapiece in 2014. As soon as they were re-elected in 2014, the Wynne Liberals broke their promise.
“The next election will be about who will make it easier for Ontario families to pay less and get ahead,” concluded Brown. “Unlike the Liberals, an Ontario PC government will reform joint and several liability. We will make life more affordable for taxpayers and municipalities.”
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