Premier, Minister maintain cloak of secrecy over GTA west panel

“What happened to the Premier who promised us transparency?” 

QUEEN’S PARK -Ontario PC Transportation Critic Michael Harris says the refusal to make public the names of a secret panel deciding the future of the GTA West Highway only fuels speculation as to government’s agenda.


“Continued secrecy only fuels further questions… who selected them, and why, and have they ever paid for access to the Minister?” noted Harris. “Will the Premier report what happened to her commitment to transparency, and tell those left in the dark just who she’s designated to determine the future of their highway?”

News of the secret panel made waves this summer when inquiries of Harris and others were met with closed doors, with the Minister of Transportation refusing to reveal the names of those tasked with deciding the future of the GTA West highway. The secrecy only furthers a lack of communication on the project after the Ministry slammed the brakes on planning last December following more than a decade of studies and consultation.

“Area municipal councils have passed motions calling on this government for answers on the highway’s future, residents and motorists are looking for direction, and her Minister is ‎moving behind closed doors!” Harris asserted. “This is a public project involving billions of public dollars – when will the Premier end the speculation and simply provide the names of her Minister’s secret GTA West panel?”

While the Premier refused to answer, and the Minister maintained the veil of secrecy over the panel’s membership, Harris says he will continue working toward the transparency area municipalities and residents deserve. 

See Mike’s question to the Premier here: