Premier Must Take Responsibility and Make Health Care a Priority

Today during Question Period, Leader of the Official Opposition Patrick Brown asked Premier Wynne why her government refuses to make health care a priority.

Leader Patrick Brown highlighted how cuts to health care have resulted in people from across the province and within Simcoe County seeing their CCAC services reduced or cut altogether, as well as the closure of Penetanguishene site of the Georgian Bay General Hospital.

“As a result of the closure the town council has committed almost $500,000 over the next 15 years to try and attract a local health hub” said a Leader Patrick Brown. “The province should be there for municipalities, not force them to go it alone. This Liberal government has turned their back on the people of Penetanguishene.”

In 2015 the Ontario Liberal Government was funded $652 million through the Canada Health Transfer, yet only part of the funds were put into Ontario’s health care system. The Wynne Liberals have funneled $54 million from that transfer to another Ministry.

“When questioned about cuts to health care, the Wynne Liberals refuse to take responsibility,” stated Leader Patrick Brown. “These cuts are no one’s fault but this government. Why has this Premier refused to make health care a priority by slashing funding and trying to pass the blame?”