Today, PC Health Critic Jeff Yurek questioned the Wynne Liberals for its decision to abruptly stop funding the only clinic that has been providing PET/CT scans in Windsor-Essex.
The clinic, which has been in operation for over seven years, was notified just hours before the government publicly announced a new PET/CT scanner would not be going to their clinic. Head of the clinic, Dr. Kevin Tracey says, “I feel like I’ve been mugged.” For years Dr. Kevin Tracy put countless hours, effort, and money into a program that the Liberal government has brushed aside without notice.
“Once again we are seeing another example of this government giving with one hand and taking with another,” said Yurek.
Dr. Tracy had been petitioning the Wynne Liberals for a new scanner for years, and was lead to believe his clinic would be receiving a new PET/CT scanner. Instead, the government decided without consultation to locate the scanner in a local hospital. Dr. Tracy’s clinic is now facing potential staff layoffs due to the government decision.
“I find it shocking that the Wynne Liberals would go ahead with this decision without properly consulting the one clinic that has been providing this service for the last seven years,” said Yurek. “Kathleen Wynne and this Liberal government continue to make decisions without consultation, putting their political self-interests before Ontario families.”