Preparing for the Delivery of a Vaccine

New Ministers’ COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Task Force will advise Ontario’s development and implementation of an immunization program

Our PC government is creating a Ministers’ COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Task Force, building on the steps we have been taking to prepare for the delivery of a vaccine.

The task force will provide advice and recommendations on the timely and efficient execution of Ontario’s COVID-19 immunization program. It will ensure the province can immunize people as quickly and safely as possible, as the various vaccines in development become available.

Rick Hillier, former Chief of Defence Staff for the Canadian Forces and Commander of the NATO-led forces during the War in Afghanistan, has been named Chair of this new task force, leading the largest vaccine rollout in a generation. His extensive leadership experience in providing governance, strategic and public policy advice, and leading multiple national and international endeavours will help lead Ontario in the successful implementation of the COVID-19 immunization program.

“The fact that we are setting up this task force is a sign that we are making progress in the fight against COVID-19,” said Doug Ford, MPP for Etobicoke North and Premier of Ontario. “We still have a long way to go, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. That’s why I have asked General Hillier to lead this effort, because we need the best of the best for the monumental task at hand. I am confident he will bring the same disciplined leadership and military precision needed to execute one of the largest logistical undertakings our province has ever faced.”

The COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Task Force members will include cross-government and external representation with diverse expertise. Other members of the COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Task Force will be announced in the coming days.

Ontario is planning the early rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine program with vaccines from both Pfizer and Moderna. Planning is already underway with provincial partners to prepare for the receipt and rollout of the vaccine. Confirmed allocations of the number of doses and schedules for delivery to Ontario are expected shortly.