Raymond Cho Opens Campaign Office in Scarborough-Rouge River

SCARBOROUGH – Ontario PC Candidate Raymond Cho addressed a packed room of supporters Monday evening to ‎officially open his by-election campaign office in Scarborough-Rouge River.  Ontario PC Leader Patrick Brown, as well as Doug Ford, also attended the office opening. 


“I am a very proud Scarborough resident. My wife and I raised our children here,” said Cho.  “I feel very honoured to have represented this great community for 25 years as a City Councillor.  But over the past 13 years, it’s become very clear to me that we cannot afford Premier Kathleen Wynne and her Liberal Government any longer.”

Cho highlighted the challenges the people of Scarborough-Rouge River are facing: diminished job prospects, irresponsible cuts to health care services, ignored transit needs, skyrocketing electricity rates, and Liberal scandal, waste and mismanagement making life increasingly unaffordable. 

“Wynne Liberal policies are making life harder for Scarborough families,” Cho added. “It’s time for change, a change that includes a better government.”

As part of his campaign launch, Cho promised that as MPP, he would fight for a Subway extension beyond Scarborough Town Centre, to Sheppard Avenue East and McCowan Road.  This proposed extension would actually reach the riding of Scarborough-Rouge River. 

“The Liberals talk about the subway before every election.  But you can’t just talk about it.  You have to deliver it!” stated Cho. “It is time to put shovels in the ground to help alleviate congestion for Scarborough’s commuters.”  

“For the people of Scarborough-Rouge River, life’s harder under this Liberal Government,” added Ontario PC Leader Patrick Brown.  “Let’s work tirelessly to earn their trust, and prove to the people of Scarborough-Rouge River that only the Ontario PCs will stop the reckless Wynne Liberal policies that continue to make life so unaffordable.”