Financial Accountability Officer backs up the Auditor General
This morning, the second independent Legislative officer in a week released a scathing report showing the Liberals’ budget numbers can’t be trusted. The Financial Accountability Office released a report showing that Ontario’s budget deficit is actually $11.8 billion instead of the $6.7 billion figure reported by the Liberals.
“Kathleen Wynne and the Liberals are untrustworthy. They will do, say, or promise anything to cling to power,” said Ontario PC Finance Critic Vic Fedeli. “When it comes to a dispute between the Financial Accountability Officer and the Auditor General versus the Wynne Liberals, we will always side with the independent experts.”
The Financial Accountability Office also agreed with the Auditor General’s pre-election report, which found that Ontario’s deficit is actually 75 per cent higher than the Liberals are telling the people of Ontario.
“Kathleen Wynne and the Liberals cooked the books. They aren’t telling the people of Ontario the whole story. They’re trying to bury the true costs of their scandal, waste, and mismanagement,” added Fedeli.
“An Ontario PC government led by Doug Ford will respect the taxpayer. We will commission a full audit of the government’s books and will deliver responsibility, accountability, and trust back to Queen’s Park.”