SEIU’s relationship with the Ontario Liberal Party

“SEIU Healthcare just happens to have cozy ties to the Liberal Party of Ontario.” – National Post, August 29, 2017

SEIU’s relationship with the Wynne Liberals has been described by another union as a “shady inside relationship” that “dangerously” erodes democracy. (OPSEU, May 19th, 2017)

They have deep ties to the Ontario Liberal Party – the former President of the Ontario Liberal Party is the Director of Government Relations at SEIU



He resigned his role as party president after agreeing “to take on more responsibilities within the union,” where “These new responsibilities will preclude Michael from volunteering in the busy year before the next provincial election” 

He has previously worked on Kathleen Wynne’s Leadership campaign, and as a political director for the Ontario Liberals. 



They have openly campaigned for the Ontario Liberals in a number of recent by-elections:

With Scarborough-Rouge River Liberal candidate Piragal Thiru in the 2016 by-election

With Energy Minister Glenn Thibeault during the 2015 Sudbury by-election 

They stood shoulder to shoulder with Kathleen Wynne during the 2014 election:

A photo-op designed to “bug the NDP campaign.”

They “show up at #olp rallies.”

And openly stood behind Liberal lawn signs

They went door to door with Liberal candidates. 

“In Brampton-Springdale, where SEIU says it has a lot of members, about half a dozen joined Liberal candidate Harinder Malhi as she went door to door collecting support.”The Globe and Mail, June 10, 2014

They attended the Ontario Liberal Party AGM.

Where they heaped praise on Premier Wynne.

They’ve donated thousands of dollars to the Ontario Liberal Party.
