Statement by Interim Ontario PC Leader Vic Fedeli on the celebration of Purim

“The Ontario PC Caucus is delighted to join the Jewish community in celebrating Purim. This celebration commemorates the Jewish people’s survival in the face of a plot to exterminate them in ancient Persia.

“Purim is a time of fun and lively spirits; it is customary to get together with friends, family, and the community to give gifts, eat traditional meals, and giving to the less fortunate.

“It is also a wonderful opportunity to come together and read the Megillah, which recounts the story of the Purim miracle.

“As Progressive Conservatives, we are proud to embrace victory over discrimination and oppression; and will continue to stand up against acts of anti-Semitism and intolerance.

“On behalf of the Ontario PC caucus, we send our best wishes to members of the Ontario Jewish community as they celebrate Purim.

“Chag Purim Sameach!”