Statement by Ontario PC Leader Patrick Brown on Canada Day

The following is a statement from Ontario PC Leader Patrick Brown marking Canada Day:

 “Today we celebrate the 149th anniversary of the founding of our great nation.  Our founding fathers started a journey to unite us into a country that eventually stretched from sea to sea to sea, welcoming people of all faiths, languages and backgrounds.


 Canada was founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law.  We are a nation where each citizen has fundamental freedoms, democratic, legal, equality and mobility rights. 

We are a country that understands our historical roots, acknowledges our treaty obligations, respects our multicultural heritage, and embraces all who come to our shores in the hope of contributing to our society.

Canadians are generous in giving, entrepreneurial in spirit, and fair in our dealings.

 We stand for what is right: freedom, democracy, human rights and the rule of law, both at home and abroad.

As I continue to travel across our great province, I am continually amazed at the tenacity of Ontarians who work hard each and every day to make our communities stronger.

I wish you and your family a Happy Canada Day!”