Statement by Ontario PC Leader Patrick Brown on Holodomor Memorial Day

Ontario PC Leader Patrick Brown today issued the following statement to mark Holodomor Memorial Day:

“We join with Canadians of Ukrainian heritage to remember the atrocities of Holodomor and to honour the memories of the millions who lost their lives.

“Between 1932-1933, millions of Ukrainian men, women, and children were deliberately starved to death by Joseph Stalin’s Soviet regime. This crime against humanity devastated families, cut off one generation from the next, and left a trail of horror in its wake.
“The historical sorrow remains. By commemorating the victims of Holodomor, we can remind ourselves that we share a responsibility to advance freedom, human rights, the rule of law, and to oppose tyranny in all its forms.
“One of the earliest immigrant communities to make Canada their new home, Ukrainians have been a pillar of our society from the beginning. From the bravery and patriotism of decorated war hero Filip Konowal in the Great War to the contributions to Canadian diversity and multiculturalism made by individuals like Paul Yuzuk, Canadians of Ukrainian heritage continue to make a positive mark in our communities and across our country. I could not have been more proud that Canada was the first country to recognize Ukrainian independence in 1991, and the first to call the Holodomor precisely what it was—genocide.
“Let us never forget the depths to which humanity can sink, and may we always remember the unbreakable spirit of the Ukrainian people.”