Statement by Ontario PC Leader Patrick Brown on Korean War Veterans Day

The following is a statement from Ontario PC Leader Patrick Brown marking Korean War Veterans Day:

“This day recognizes and honours our men and women in uniform who served valiantly during the Korean War.


Over 26,000 Canadians, including from Ontario, courageously defended freedom and democracy on the Korean Peninsula.  The names of 516 Canadians who gave the ultimate sacrifice are inscribed in the Books of Remembrance in the Peace Tower in Ottawa and on the Wall of Remembrance in Brampton’s Meadowvale Cemetery.

Our soldiers proved to be resilient in the Battle of Kapyong, Hill 355,Chail-li,  Chorwon, and in many other conflicts. 

Our naval officers and sailors served admirably onboard eight ships of the Royal Canadian Navy.  

And members of the Royal Canadian Air Force provided transport and fighter pilots to the war effort.

Tragically, north of the 38th parallel, the Korean people continue to live under a horrific regime.  The gravity, nature and scale of violations depicted in a report by the United Nations is appalling.  It confirmed the existence of gulags, intergenerational punishment, forced abortions, torture and the indefinite holding of political prisoners.  The persecution of  people converting to Christianity is also very disturbing.  For decades, the people in North Korea have only seen darkness.  Meanwhile, South Korea today is a thriving democracy with a robust economy.  It is a testament to the brave actions of the men and women in uniform who so fought against communist aggression decades ago.

We salute our veterans. We shall not forget.”