“In February, Canadians celebrate Black History Month to honour and recognize the significant contributions made to our country by individuals of African and Caribbean descent.
“Black Canadians continue to make important contributions throughout our province in public service and the private sector.
“Here in Ontario, we have had many pioneers make notable contributions to our society and who have paved the way for future generations. Stories and legacies of leaders like William Peyton Hubbard, one of the first politicians of Black heritage elected to office in Ontario in 1894; Alton Parker, who joined the Windsor Police Service in 1942 and became the first black detective in Ontario; Mary Ann Shadd, the first female publisher of Black heritage; and Herb Carnegie, a hockey player of Jamaican heritage.
“Recently, we had the opportunity to highlight the great achievements of another trailblazer, the Honourable Lincoln Alexander. I am proud that our legislature passed Ted Arnott’s Private Member’s Bill to mark January 21st as Lincoln Alexander Day. His inspirational journey touched us all and taught us to ever waver in the fight for equality.
“As we celebrate Black History Month and the great accomplishments of our province’s Black community, let us be inspired by the experiences of those that laid the foundation and not forget that we as a province are stronger when we celebrate our history and roots.”