“The month of January marks Alzheimer’s Awareness Month, providing an opportunity to raise awareness for the fight against Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia, and to recognize the enormous burden it places on families and caregivers across the province.
Many people across Ontario have experienced the pain of watching a family member or friend suffer from this debilitating disease. Presently, 1 in 10 seniors are living with some form of dementia. Given the rapid aging of our population, we can expect to see this become an increasingly prevalent issue.
When I was living with my Grandmother she was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, and I can remember her doctor saying that Alzheimer’s disease and dementia ‘is the saddest way to see a loved one perish.’ Since then, combatting neurological disorders has been one of my passions through my time in public service.
Alzheimer’s disease and dementia is not a normal and inevitable part of aging, and experts believe effective treatments – even a cure – can be found. The Ontario PC Caucus recognizes the importance of combatting neurological diseases, and I know that by working together – private and public sector alike – we can be successful.”