Statement from Leader of the Official Opposition Patrick Brown on the Speech from the Throne

Today, Leader of the Official Opposition Patrick Brown issued the following statement following the Speech from the Throne: 


 “This throne speech is too little, too late. It’s simply a band-aid solution for Liberal mistakes. At the end of the day, Ontarians’ hydro bills are going to continue to get more expensive. 

“Every single failed policy decision the Wynne Liberals have made over the last 13 years has made life harder and more unaffordable for Ontarians and no Throne Speech is going to change that.

“The Throne Speech recognizes that “the cost of electricity is now stretching family budgets.” But, according to the Liberals, it wasn’t a crisis in May when former Energy Minister Bob Chiarelli said “Ontario’s residential rates are and will remain competitive.” And, it wasn’t a crisis when the new Energy Minister Glenn Thibeault said he’s “still not using the word crisis.”

“But when this government loses its third consecutive by-election, in a riding that had been Liberal-held for over 20 years, it’s a crisis. 

“We’ve heard countless stories about Ontario families struggling to pay their bills or put food on the table. Where was this government then?

“Ontarians have had enough. They made that clear in Scarborough-Rouge River. They want to see a government that takes real action on their priorities, and listens to their concerns. Not a tired and self-interested government who goes through the motions.

“The people of Ontario deserve better. The Ontario PC Caucus will continue to hold the Wynne Liberal government to account on: skyrocketing hydro rates that will only continue to rise, cuts to health care services and reduced patient care, and diminished job prospects. We will fight for affordability and responsible spending of taxpayer dollars. And we will hold the government to account on their promises.”