Statement from MPP Monte McNaughton on May Job Numbers

Ontario PC Critic for Economic Development, Employment and Infrastructure Monte McNaughton (MPP, Lambton-Kent-Middlesex) issued the following statement on May Job Numbers:


“We are pleased the job numbers released today show growth in the number of full-time private sector jobs created in the province last month. 

While the overall trends for last month were largely positive, there remain structural challenges facing our province.

The Ontario PC Caucus remains concerned regarding the amount of bureaucracy and red tape that is stifling entrepreneurs and the self-employed.  

Similarly, while youth employment grew last month, it remains well short of employment trends from May 2015, down by approximately 10,500 jobs. Across the province we have heard from our youth that finding a job once graduated remains a major obstacle. The Wynne Liberals continue to ignore a skills gap that is forcing young Ontarians out of the province, costing our province’s economy $24.3-billion a year and $3.7-billion in foregone tax revenue. It is incumbent on the government to ensure we are training young people for the jobs that are available today and into the future.

And while the monthly jobs numbers can go up and down, the Wynne Liberals continue to implement a legacy of policies that have will have real long-term implications for Ontario’s economy.  

Ontario has the second highest tax burden in the country for both business and families.

Every year since 2003, Ontario’s economic growth has lagged below the national average.

Ontario’s Financial Accountability Officer recently confirmed private sector investment is set to decline this year, with an 8 per cent drop projected for our already hard-hit manufacturing sector.   

We continue to see a number of upcoming policies, such as the ORPP, cap-and-trade and the Wynne Liberals’ plan to eliminate natural gas in the province, which will further increase the costs of living and doing business in Ontario.  

The result is that only 30 per cent of Ontario businesses say that the Ontario economy is moving in the right direction – the lowest confidence in Canada. 

And instead of trying to restore business confidence in our province, the Wynne Liberals seem intent on making life harder for Ontario businesses.”