Ontario PC Education Critic and Leader of the Official Opposition Patrick Brown issued the following statement today on the EQAO mathematics results:
“Today it was revealed that half of Ontario’s grade 6 students are failing to meet the provincial standards for mathematics.
I have always believed that a strong education system is one of the most important pillars of a strong economy. Unfortunately, today’s news demonstrates that the Wynne Liberals’ approach is not working and changes need to be made.
In hundreds of speeches across Ontario, I have called on Premier Wynne and her Liberal Government to heed our advice to make changes to our education system, and that includes a strong focus on enhancing financial literacy in the classroom.
With the Premier (former Minister of Education), the President of the Treasury Board (former Minister of Education), the Deputy Premier (Minister of Advanced Education and Skills Development), and the current Minister of Education all sitting at the Cabinet table, I hope one of them decides to take this issue seriously.”