“Auto insurance figures released today by the Financial Services Commission of Ontario (FSCO) show rates increased 1.03% in the fourth quarter of 2017 under the Wynne Liberals. This is more proof that their failed auto insurance promise was nothing but another stretch goal from an untrustworthy government that will say anything to get re-elected.
“Ontario’s auto insurance rates are the highest in Canada despite having some of the lowest levels of accidents and fatalities. In 2013, in an attempt to pass their budget while a minority government, the Wynne Liberals promised to reduce auto insurance rates by 15% by August 2015. Instead, almost three years later, they’ve only achieved a 5.5% reduction in prices and Ontario drivers still pay too much.
“The Ontario PCs will take real and tangible action to make auto insurance more affordable by eliminating geographic discrimination and cracking down on insurance fraudsters and uninsured drivers.”