Statement from Ontario PC Leader Doug Ford on Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day

“As Leader of the Ontario PC Party, we come together with the Armenian community in commemorating today’s somber occasion, the 103rd anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, also known as Medz Yeghern.
“Today is a day of reflection and tribute, it is a time to honour Armenian’s who were taken from their family’s and loved ones. It also marks an occasion for remembrance and an opportunity to learn from the horrific crimes against humanity perpetrated against the Armenian people all those years ago.
“The Armenian community is an important friend to our province and I encourage all Ontarians to take the time to further reflect upon the cost of hatred and the price of intolerance. May we never forget the lessons of history and stand strong against ruthless acts of intolerance and oppression.
“Together, we share many of the same beliefs and values, the Ontario PC Party embraces family, cultural heritage, respect for traditions and diversity, and the Armenian community here in Ontario is a proud reflection of these important principles.
“As Leader, the Ontario PC Party will continue to be defenders of freedom in the fight for justice and I encourage all Ontarians to join in tribute.”