Statement from Ontario PC Leader Doug Ford on Asian Heritage Month

“Today as we begin the month of May, we also begin Asian Heritage Month.

“Asian Heritage Month celebrates the many achievements and contributions of the Asian community. This includes Canadians with ancestors from over thirty countries; ranging from Eastern, Southern, Central and Southeastern Asia.

“It is a time to reflect on the positive impact that the Asian community has had on our values, identity and society. Pluralism is one of the most cherished and distinct elements of Ontario; and today, with more than twenty percent of our province’s population, having origins from Asia, it is clear that Asian heritage is vital to our province.

“The Ontario PC Party shares many of the same beliefs as the Asian community; values such as faith, family, hard work, and a respect for cultural heritage and traditions.

“I encourage all Ontarians to learn more about the rich culture and history of our Asian friends and neighbors. I also encourage all Ontarians to participate in the numerous events taking place across the province in celebration of Asian Heritage.

“On behalf of the Ontario PC Party, I would like to wish all those of Asian descent, Happy Asian Heritage Month.”
