“Today I extend my warmest wishes to all Ontarians of Hellenic heritage as we celebrate the 197th anniversary of Greek Independence.
“This date, in 1821, commemorates the start of the War of Greek Independence, in which revolutionaries fought for independence.
“For Greek Orthodox Christians, this momentous day is also one of its holiest, as celebrations for the Feast of the Annunciation to the Blessed Virgin Mary are also shared with great joy and cultural pride.
“These celebrations are a wonderful opportunity for remembrance and reflection, as we recognize the significant cultural, political, and societal contributions of the Greek community here in Ontario.
“With over 130,000 Ontarians tracing their heritage back to ancient Greece, I encourage all Ontarians to explore and participate in public events, Greek cultural festivities and local parades in celebration of this monumental day.
“On behalf of the Ontario PC Caucus and all our PC candidates across the province, I would like to extend my very best wishes to all Ontarians celebrating Greek Independence Day.
“Zito Hellas!
“Long live Greece!”