Statement from Ontario PC Leader Doug Ford on Orthodox Easter

“Wishing all those celebrating Orthodox Easter, or Pascha, a joyous day.
“Easter is the holiest of Christian holidays that mourns Jesus Christ’s sacrificial death on the Cross and celebrates his holy resurrection. During Easter, Orthodox Christians will meet with family and friends to reflect and give thanks for our health and happiness.
“The diverse Orthodox communities in Ontario will celebrate Easter in a variety of traditional ways. Orthodox Christians will celebrate by attending various church services, colouring eggs red to symbolize Jesus’s sacrifice, and breaking fast by sharing meals with loved ones.
“As Easter serves as a time of hope, devotion, and the triumph of good, it is an important occasion to recognize the many contributions people of the Orthodox Christian community have made both in Ontario and abroad.
“On behalf of the Ontario PC Party I extend wishes for a happy and joyful Easter to all those celebrating.”