“I look forward to running a campaign focused on the issues that matter to Ontario families and businesses. I am the only leader presenting a clear vision for a prosperous Ontario.
“Under Kathleen Wynne and the Liberals, hydro rates have skyrocketed. Debt has reached crisis levels. Taxpayers are getting gouged, and billions of dollars have been wasted on political self-interests.
“While everyday families are struggling, Liberal insiders and friends have been getting rich at their expense.
“A PC government will lower hydro rates, scrap Kathleen Wynne and Justin Trudeau’s expensive carbon tax, end hallway health care, ensure students are ready for the workforce, and bring good-paying jobs back to our province and accountability back to Queen’s Park.
“It’s time for a change in Ontario. It’s time to respect the taxpayer again.
“The Ontario PC Party is the only party that can be trusted to deliver real relief to families, and to make our great province open for business once again.”