“Today we celebrate Vaisakhi, which observes the changing of the seasons and the arrival of the much-anticipated spring harvest. On this day, the Sikh community reflects upon the past year and expresses gratitude for the blessings received while together looking forward to the coming year.
“This day also celebrates the founding of the Khalsa by Guru Gobind Singh Ji in 1699, and observes the participation of traditional Sikh practices; such as the introduction of the Sikh articles of Faith, also known as the “Five K’s”.
“Vaisakhi showcases true Sikh values for humanity; a passion for justice, equality, integrity and compassion, which is shown through acts of “Seva” or selfless service. Individuals perform acts of charity for the less fortunate, encourage service to others, and also promote positivity. These values are embraced by the Ontario PC Party, and are principles that run deep into our roots.
“As people around the world celebrate this wonderful day; I want to remind everybody to reflect upon and acknowledge the many contributions that the Sikh community has made to this province’s vibrant and diverse culture.
“On behalf of the Ontario PC Caucus, I wish all those celebrating Vaisakhi a healthy and prosperous season.”