Statement from Ontario PC Leader Patrick Brown Celebrating Hindu Heritage Month

“Today and throughout the month of November, we acknowledge and celebrate the many important contributions Ontarians of Hindu heritage have made and continue to make to our province.

“Hindu Heritage Month, first proclaimed in Ontario in 2016, is a time to recognize the vital part that our vibrant Hindu community has played in the story of Ontario.  

“I was proud to lead the PC Caucus in unanimously supporting the Hindu Heritage Month motion when it was tabled two years ago.  I stood with the Hindu community then, and we will continue to build and strengthen the important bond between the Ontario PC Party and our province’s dynamic Hindu community in the months and years ahead.

“Across every sector—science, education, business, politics, the arts, and beyond—Ontario’s Hindu community grows our economy, adds to our diversity, and reflects the best of our province’s values. 

“From India and Singapore, to Sri Lanka, the Caribbean and beyond, the nations and communities touched by Hindu culture are as diverse as Ontario itself—a diversity that is a hallmark of our special province.

“Over the past two years as Leader of the PC Party, I have been honoured to visit temples and mandirs across our great province—meeting new friends, and learning more about this ancient faith and the traditions that sustain it.  With every visit, I am reminded of the warmth that always welcomed me on my visits to India, and the many meaningful relationships that have been built in the years since.

“Our Hindu friends and neighbours continue to be an invaluable part of our province’s social and cultural fabric.  The month of November provides us all with the opportunity to learn more about Hindu culture and customs, and to reflect on the many ways this dynamic community helps make Ontario a better place to live.

“Happy Hindu Heritage Month!”