“Today at sundown, our Jewish friends and neighbours in Ontario and around the world celebrate the beginning of Rosh Hashanah—marking the beginning of the Jewish New Year.
“This celebration is the first of the High Holidays commemorated in the ten days leading up to Yom Kippur—the Day of Atonement.
“Rosh Hashanah is a time for celebration, but marks an important period of reflection and introspection; a time to examine self, reflect on the past year, seek forgiveness, and resolve to do better in the upcoming year.
“From the sounding of the shofar and the reciting of special prayers, to partaking in festive and symbolic meals, Rosh Hashanah is rich with tradition and symbols that carry deep meaning.
“Ontario’s Jewish community continues to be an invaluable part of our province’s social and cultural fabric. The Jewish High Holiday season is a perfect time for all of us to learn more about this community’s history and customs, and the many ways our Jewish friends and neighbours make Ontario a better place to live.
“To all those celebrating, Shanah Tovah!”