Statement from Ontario PC Leader Patrick Brown on Budget 2017

“For 14 years this Liberal government has made life harder. Today’s budget is more proof that Ontario families will continue to pay more and get less.

“This is not a balanced budget. The government is hiding a more than $5 billion dollar operational deficit through cash grabs, unauthorized pension assets, and one-time and unusual revenue. The Wynne Liberals are cooking the books a year before the next election.

“The Liberals have no plan in this budget to get the debt under control. They’ve more than doubled the debt in just 14 years, and Ontario is worse off as a result. It’s eroding the services Ontario families depend on, and places a burden on future generations that they don’t deserve.

“Whether it’s hydro, health care, or housing, this budget is a patchwork attempt by a desperate government to fix the mess they created.

“But a Liberal is a Liberal. If they win, they’ll go back to their old ways, and raise your taxes, cut your health care, and hike your hydro rates once again.

“The Ontario PC Caucus cannot, and will not, support a budget that makes life harder. We will continue to stand up for Ontario families and taxpayers against this reckless government.”