Statement from Ontario PC Leader Patrick Brown on Remembrance Day

The following is a statement by Ontario PC Leader Patrick Brown on the observance of Remembrance Day:


Remembrance Day marks the Armistice that arrived on the eleventh hour, on the eleventh day, of the eleventh month. It is a time pay tribute to the proud military traditions of our great country.

Canada has always answered the call to stand up for freedom, democracy, human rights and for the rule of law. Ninety-seven years ago, the First World War ended, and each November 11th we remember all those who placed themselves in harm’s way, and all those who still risk themselves for our values and our great province and country.

On behalf of the Ontario PC Caucus, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the men and women who have served so valiantly in the Canadian Armed Forces and to express how proud I am to be Canadian.

Today, as Ontarians gather to remember brave soldiers, sailors and aircrews, I encourage all Ontarians to remember them with pride and to find their own way to say “thank you.”  

Their sacrifices have made the province and country we love and cherish possible.

Lest we forget.