“Under Premier Kathleen Wynne’s watch, we have witnessed the longest college strike in Ontario’s history. Over 500,000 students have been caught in the crossfire.
“I called for action at the beginning of the strike to bring both sides back to the bargaining table. Kathleen Wynne could have stepped in earlier to fix this, starting on October 15. Instead she waited weeks before weighing in. This is unacceptable.
“We are regrettably now at the point of debating back-to-work legislation – which the Ontario PCs will support. Our first priority is to get college students back in class on Monday morning, and we are prepared to work all weekend to get this done.
“We hope that all sides – regardless of partisan stripes – can put the political games aside. It is unfortunate that this strike will cause a ripple effect of issues for months to come, but let’s focus on the most important task at hand and get students back to class on Monday.”