Statement from Ontario PC Leader Patrick Brown on the Expulsion of Jack MacLaren from the PC Caucus

“I am building a modern, inclusive Ontario PC Party – one where it doesn’t matter where you’re from, who you love, where you worship, what language you speak, or how much money you make.

“Unfortunately, I have come to the conclusion that Jack MacLaren does not share these values. Once again, Jack MacLaren has been caught making comments that are unacceptable. This video is the final straw. I have expelled Jack MacLaren from the PC caucus. The expulsion is indefinite. He will not be a PC candidate in the next provincial election.

“Each time Jack MacLaren is caught making disparaging or insensitive remarks about others he asks for forgiveness and a second chance. And a third chance. And a fourth. And each and every time, he has disappointed those who have put their trust in him.

“This video is part of a pattern with Jack MacLaren. Clearly the real Jack MacLaren is the one we heard making derogatory comments towards women at the Carp Fair Men’s Night, who published fake testimonials praising himself from fake constituents on his website, and who came out against a zero-tolerance policy against sexual abuse.”