Statement from Ontario PC Leader Patrick Brown on the Iranian Protests

“Over the past several days, I have seen and read the troubling reports of peaceful protests being met with government violence in the streets of Iran.

“The brave individuals who are risking their lives to have their voices heard, seek the same things for their families that we value here at home—safety for our loved ones, the right to be heard, and opportunities for a better future.  

“We condemn those who resort to violence and repression in response, and call on the Iranian regime to end the detention of peaceful protesters.

“As the people of Iran seek to change their country for the better, we remember the values that define us as a people and make us who we are—freedom, democracy, and respect for human rights. 

“We are fortunate to live in a country that values these principles.  Freedom of belief and expression are fundamental human rights, and people should be free to have their voices heard without fear of violence and unlawful detention.

“Over the years, I have had the opportunity to build a strong relationship with the Persian community. Ontario’s Persian community is one that has helped to strengthen our culturally rich and socially cohesive province, and this community’s contributions to our province’s economy has made this a better place to live. 

“The Ontario PC Party shares in your hope for a peaceful, free and democratic Iran.”