“A brand new Halton courthouse is desperately needed to service the region’s growing population.
“Wynne Liberal neglect means the existing facility in Milton is aging, overcrowded, and completely inadequate in terms of security and privacy. Questions have even been raised about access to justice. This is completely unacceptable when throughout the province we are seeing an alarming number of criminal cases being thrown out due to trial delays.
“Since 2014, the need for a new Halton courthouse has been championed at Queen’s Park by Wellington-Halton Hills PC MPP Ted Arnott. I was proud to acknowledge his hard work and to add my support for the courthouse at a speech at the Burlington Chamber of Commerce earlier this month. Unfortunately, despite MPP Arnott’s years of tireless advocacy, the Wynne Liberals dragged their feet. Now, a year out from an election, the Liberals have finally decided to act.
“While the Liberals continued to claim a new Halton courthouse was a priority, for years we saw no action. This is just another promise they will immediately break if they win the next election.”
While Halton area Liberal MPPs were silent about the need for a new Halton courthouse in the Legislature, Ted Arnott, the region’s sole PC MPP, worked tirelessly to ensure the issue was on the government’s radar:
- November 6, 2014: Wellington-Halton Hills PC MPP Ted Arnott issues a statement in the Legislature calling for a new consolidated courthouse to serve the Halton Region: http://hansardindex.ontla.on.ca/hansardespeaker/41-1/l026-6_10.html
- November 27, 2014: Arnott raises the need for a new courthouse in the Halton Region during a speech to the Legislature: http://hansardindex.ontla.on.ca/hansardespeaker/41-1/l034-12_14.html
- March 12, 2015: Arnott urges the Minister of Finance to announce a new courthouse for Halton Region as a part of his upcoming budget: http://hansardindex.ontla.on.ca/hansardespeaker/41-1/l057-5_4.html
- March 24, 2015: Arnott asks the Minister of Attorney General during Question Period when the government will announce approval for a new Halton courthouse: http://hansardindex.ontla.on.ca/hansardespeaker/41-1/l059-3_118.html
- April 16, 2015: Arnott raises the need for a new courthouse in the Halton Region in a speech to the Legislature: http://hansardindex.ontla.on.ca/hansardespeaker/41-1/l069-9_2.html
- May 5, 2015: Arnott raises the need for a new courthouse in the Halton Region in a speech to the Legislature: http://hansardindex.ontla.on.ca/hansardespeaker/41-1/l079-1_2.html
- May 11, 2015: Arnott raises the need for a new courthouse in the Halton Region in a speech to the Legislature: http://hansardindex.ontla.on.ca/hansardespeaker/41-1/l082-9_77.html
- June 3, 2015: Arnott raises the need for a new courthouse in the Halton Region in a speech to the Legislature: http://hansardindex.ontla.on.ca/hansardespeaker/41-1/l092-11_8.html
- September 17, 2015: Arnott raises the need for a new courthouse in the Halton Region in a speech to the Legislature: http://hansardindex.ontla.on.ca/hansardespeaker/41-1/l097-8_49.html
- December 3, 2015: Arnott presents a member’s statement in the Legislature calling for a new courthouse in the Halton Region: http://hansardindex.ontla.on.ca/hansardespeaker/41-1/l130-6_1.html
- May 31, 2016: Arnott follows up with the Attorney General about the need for a new Halton courthouse: http://hansardindex.ontla.on.ca/hansardespeaker/41-1/l179-3_145.html
- March 23, 2017: Arnott asks the Attorney General why it has taken so long to announce approval for the new Halton courthouse: http://hansardindex.ontla.on.ca/hansardespeaker/41-1/l059-3_118.html