Statement from Ontario PC Leader Patrick Brown on the nomination of Donna Skelly in Flamborough-Glanbrook

“I congratulate Donna Skelly on her nomination as the Ontario PC candidate for Flamborough-Glanbrook.

“Donna brings a wealth of experience to our Ontario PC team. She currently sits as a local city councillor where she is becoming known for holding council to account on waste. Her dedication to her community has been recognized as the Hamilton Woman of the Year by the YWCA. Donna worked in the broadcast industry for 30 years where she was well-known for standing up for the little guy. I have no doubt she will be a fantastic representative for her community.  

“After 14 years in power, life is harder with the Liberals. Ontario families are working harder, paying more, and getting less. Ontario deserves better. It’s time for a change. The Ontario PCs will make sure Ontario families who work hard pay less and get ahead.

“In Flamborough-Glanbrook and across the province, the Ontario PC Party will continue to work hard for a better future. I look forward to working with Donna as we share our positive message of change with Ontarians.”