“I congratulate Dionne on her nomination as the Ontario PC candidate for Hamilton Centre.
“Dionne brings incredible experience to our Ontario PC team. She is currently a Vice President at the Rosa’s Centre, which provides services to adults with physical, intellectual and developmental disabilities. She is also a facilitator at Peel Halton Dufferin Acquired Brain Injury Services, where she supports patients with brain injuries.
“Dionne received her MBA from the Kellogg-Schulich School of Business and her PhD in Health Policy and Informatics from the University of Toronto. She is the recipient of the J.S. Woodward Award for Humanities and Community Support, and serves on the board of Wychwood Open Door and the Enlightened Women’s Core team.
“After 15 years in power, life is harder with the Liberals. Families are working harder, paying more, and getting less. Only the Ontario PCs will make life more affordable for everyone.
“In Hamilton Centre, and across the province, the Ontario PC Party will continue to work hard for a better future. I look forward to working with Dionne to bring change that works for the people, not the insiders.”