Statement from Ontario PC Leader Patrick Brown on the nomination of Ernie Hardeman

“I congratulate Ernie on his nomination as the Ontario PC candidate for Oxford.

“Since 1995 Ernie has proven himself to be a hardworking and effective advocate that is always looking out for the best interests his community. Ernie continues to hold the government to account for ongoing cuts to local health care services, and has raised concerns of the risk to drinking water from the proposed landfill site near Thames River. Ernie has also been a consistent advocate for improved access to services for Oxford’s youth. The longest serving MPP in Oxford’s history, the residents of Oxford could not ask for a more passionate and effective representative.

“In the Legislature, Ernie serves as the Ontario PC Critic for Municipal Affairs and Housing, where he has been a strong voice for Ontario’s municipalities. In this role, he has held the government accountable for Ontario’s affordable housing crisis, and the waste and misuse of taxpayer dollars occurring at the Housing Services Corporation.

“After 13 years in power, life is harder under the Liberal government. Electricity prices are skyrocketing. Health care services are being slashed. Billions of taxpayer dollars are being wasted on scandal after scandal. It’s time for a change in Ontario.

“I look forward to continuing to work hard alongside Ernie and having him as part of our Ontario PC team in 2018.”