Statement from Ontario PC Leader Patrick Brown on the nomination of Fadi Nemr

“I congratulate Fadi on his nomination as the Ontario PC candidate for Ottawa-Vanier. 
“Fadi is a husband, a father, and an active member of the Lebanese community. He loves Ottawa-Vanier and has called it home for over 25 years. As a small business owner in Ottawa-Vanier, Fadi knows first-hand how reckless Liberal policies have hurt small businesses throughout the province. Fadi is also French-educated and holds a master’s degree in chemistry.

“After 14 years in power, life is harder with the Liberals. Families are working harder, paying more, and getting less. It’s time for a change.  Only the Ontario PCs will make sure hardworking families pay less and get ahead. 

“In Ottawa-Vanier and across the province, the Ontario PC Party will continue to work hard for a better future. I look forward to working with Fadi as we share our positive message of change for the better.”