Statement from Ontario PC Leader Patrick Brown on the nomination of Iris Yu in Spadina-Fort York

“I congratulate Iris on her nomination as the Ontario PC candidate in Spadina-Fort York.

“Iris is a proud and dedicated Torontonian whose passion for the city inspired her to run for the Ontario PCs. As a Chartered Financial Analyst, Iris has held a number of corporate positions. She currently works at the Bank of Montreal in Investor Relations. Iris completed her MBA at Ivey Business School in 2003, and immigrated from China to Canada.

“Iris’ business qualifications and experience will certainly be a great asset to her constituents at Queen’s Park.

“After 14 years in power, life is harder with the Liberals. Families are working harder, paying more, and getting less. It’s time for a change in Ontario. Only the Ontario PC Party will make sure hardworking families pay less and get ahead.

“In Spadina-Fort York, and across the province, the Ontario PC Party will continue to work hard for a better future. I look forward to working with Iris as we share our positive message of change for the better.”